S.O.S [Intro] Lalala lalala la la lala la Ohhh You know I never felt like this before Lalala lalala la la lala la Ohhh Feels like something real
[Verse 1] I'm obessive when just one thought of you comes up I'm aggressive just one thought of closing up You got me stressing, incessantly pressing the issue" Da very moment gone you know I miss you I'm the question an you of course the answer Just hold me close boy cause I'm your tiny dancer You make me shaken up, heads are mistaken but I can't control myself ,got me calling out for Help
[Chorus] S.O.S please someone help me. it's not healthy for me to feel this Y O U are making this hard, I can't take it see it don't feel right. S.O.S please someone help me, it's not healthy for me to feel this Y O U are making this hard, You got me tossing turning can't sleep at night
[Bridge] This time please someone come and rescue me cause you or my mind has got me losing it I 'm lost you got me lookin for the rest of me(just testing me)but still I'm losing it. This time please some one come and rescue me cause you or my mind has got me losing it, I'm lost you got me looking for the rest of me , got the best of me, So now I'm losing it.
[Verse 2] Just your presence and I second guess my sanity, yes it's a lesson and it's based on my vanity Taken me(Uh Huh) you know ya glad to feel it right, take me on ya__________________arms with you tonight, Im out with you, ya got me head over heels, boy you keep me hanging on by the way you make me feel
[Chorus] S.O.S please someone help me. it's not healthy for me to feel this Y O U are making this hard, I can't take it see it don't feel right.
[Bridge] This time please someone come and rescue me cause you or my mind has got me losing it I 'm lost you got me lookin for the rest of me(just testing me)but still I'm losing it. This time please some one come and rescue me cause you or my mind has got me losing it, I'm lost you got me looking for the rest of me , got the best of me, So now I'm losing it.
Boy you know you got me feeling open and Boy________________ words of spoken I said BOY I'm telling you U got me open, I don't know what to do It's True I'm going crazy over you I'm beging
[Chorus 1x] S.O.S please someone help me "Somebody Help me" , it's not healthy for me to feel this Y O U are making this hard, "why you makin des hard for mi baby" You got me tossing turning can't sleep at night
[Bridge 2X] This time please someone come and rescue me "Some one Rescue me" cause you or my mind has got me losing it I 'm lost you got me lookin for the rest of me(just testing me)but still I'm losing it. This time please someone come and rescue me cause you or my mind(all of de time) has got me losing it I 'm lost you got me lookin for the rest of me got the best of me but still I'm losing it.
[Outro] lala lala lala lala Ohhh ohh ohh lala lala lala lala oh oh.... fade OH OH
REnDY Preklad Vieš, nikdy predtým som sa takto necítila. Je to také skutočné.
Som ako posadnutá, len čo si na teba pomyslím. Som agresívna, len čo sa priblíži to pomyslenie na teba. Som z teba vystresovaná, neustále ma tlačí tento problém. Neprejde chvíľa kedy by si mi nechýbal.
Ja som otázka a ty si, samozrejme, odpoveď. Drž ma, chlapče, lebo ja som tvoja malá tanečnica. Kvôli tebe sa strasiem a nikdy sa nemýlim. Ale už sa nedokážem ovládať. Kvôli tebe volám o pomoc.
SOS, prosím, pomôžte mi niekto. Nie je zdravé, aby som sa takto cítila. TY mi to len robíš ťažšie. Už mi to hlava neberie. Toto nie je ten správny pocit. SOS, prosím, pomôžte mi niekto. Nie je zdravé, aby som sa takto cítila. TY mi to len robíš ťažšie. Kvôli tebe sa v noci prevaľujem a nemôžem spať.
Prosím, tentoraz mi niekto prídťe na pomoc. Myslím len na teba, ale prichádzam o to. Som stratená a kvôli tebe musím nájsť to, čo mi chýba. Láska ma skúša, ale ja stále prepadám. Prosím, tentoraz mi niekto prídťe na pomoc. Myslím len na teba, ale prichádzam o to. Som stratená a kvôli tebe musím nájsť to, čo mi chýba. Prichádzam o to najlepšie, čo zo mňa máš.
Len čo sa objavíš, pochybujem o svojich zmysloch. Áno, je to príučka, nie je to fér, vzal si mi pýchu. Mám bruško ako vo zveráku. Keď ťa vidím, je mi veľmi horúco. Môj rozum je odrazu úplne mimo a neviem ho udržať na uzde. Ber si ma. Vo svojom vnútri cítiš, že je to tak správne. Ber si ma. Dnes večer by som mohla zomrieť v tvojom náručí. Som k tebe úprimná, som z teba úplne vedľa. Chlapče, držíš ma v šachu.
Chlapče, vieš, že moje city k tebe sú úprimné. A, chlapče, tvoja láska mi stačí, netreba k nej slov. Povedala som, chlapče, vravím ti, že som úprimná. Neviem čo mám robiť, je to pravda. Šaliem z teba. Prosím.